Module @cleverbrush/scheduler

Task scheduler for NodeJS

To install the scheduler, run:

    npm install @cleverbrush/scheduler

This library makes use of Node.js worker_threads module to run tasks in parallel. It's tested on Node.js v16, but should work on older versions as well.

An example:

    import { JobScheduler } from '@cleverbrush/scheduler';

const scheduler = new JobScheduler({
rootFolder: '/some/path/to/your/tasks/root/folder'

id: 'my-job-1',
path: 'path/to/file/under/rootFolder/job1.js',
schedule: {
every: 'minute',
// every 5 minutes
interval: 5,
timeout: 1000 * 60 * 4,
maxRetries: 3

id: 'my-job-2',
path: 'another/path/to/file/under/rootFolder/job2.js',
schedule: {
every: 'week',
// every second week
interval: 2,
// at Monday, Wednesday and Friday
dayOfWeek: [1, 3, 5],
// at 9:30 AM (UTC)
hour: 9,
minute 30,
timeout: 1000 * 60 * 4,
maxRetries: 3


This will run job1.js and job2.js according to the schedules defined in the code above. You can subscribe to several events to get notified about the job status:

({ jobId, instanceId, stdout, stderr, startDate, endDate }) => {
console.log(`Job ${jobId} started`);

// other possible events are 'job:end', 'job:error', 'job:timeout', 'job:message'
// passing the same parameters to callback as above



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